Introduction to Digital Media

Learning Technologies and Design Competencies

Introduction to Digital Media

This project addresses the following competencies:

Goal 1: Design and Development of Learning Systems

Objective 2.2: Students are able to design/develop learning opportunities and systems for meaningful learning; promote student engagement in online learning environments; and select appropriate technology and learning objects to support learners.

The project accomplishes this by demonstrating the creation of multiple types of media for learning materials and activities that will provide meaningful learning and promote learner engagement.

The final project from Intro to Digital Media is a course portfolio. The project highlights four areas – digital images, audio, video, and the final Google Site designed to house these. The digital image is a flyer, designed using Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop, that identifies and explains the essential elements of an online course homepage. The audio project was created in Adobe Audition and coincides with the digital image as an audio tour of the essential elements of an online course homepage. The video was created with Camtasia and provides a video walk-through of the essentials of an online course homepage using digital images as visual effects.

Introduction to Digital Media Portfolio